Use: Product crystallizes and becomes solid when refrigerated (recommended for storage); put in warm water-bath to melt. Can be added to formulas as is (as last ingredient), usual final concentration 500-20’000 IU/g (1g = 20 drops = 1.7 Mio units); Example: 10 drops vitamin A per 100g (3.5oz) cream gives 8’500 IU/g. For external use only. Press out/suck out air after use, or use up at low level.
Applications: All kinds of skin care products (primarily rejuvenating, nourishing & after sun products).
Country of Origin: USA
Raw material source: Retinyl acetate and palmitic acid
Manufacture: Retinyl palmitate is produced by transesterificating palmitic acid (a fatty acid) to retinyl acetate which is made from retinal. Retinal is synthesized from beta-carotene.
Animal Testing: Not animal tested
GMO: GMO free (does not contain plant-derived components)
Not soluble in water.